Thursday, November 21, 2013

Blogging Tips Video 12 Multi-Media Your way to Online Business Blog Success

Just Fixed the link Video 12 is live! Check it out Now! Eliminate the 17 Deadly Blogging Sins from your Online Business Today.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Blog Tips Video 10 Engaging Your Online Business Success

Hey there everybody… My name is Dave Schlueter and I want to welcome you here...

 To Blog Tips #10 today.

Today I’ll be sharing Another Critical piece of the online Business puzzle with you.

Once again… Before we get started, it’s super-important for you to understand that this is REALLY about one critical Business Element: What Not to Do!

By that, I mean how “NOT” to think and what “NOT” to do if you want to really succeed online with your business.

Because if you do this wrong… if you are guilty of the 17 Cardinal Blogging Sins you won’t make the progress, or the money you hope for and you will struggle unnecessarily until you eliminate these 17 blogging blunders from your life.

So let’s Examine Today's Blunder…Blog Tips Blunder #10 Poor Engagement.

If your blog is a one-way conversation for your ideas, that provides no way for your visitors to engage in conversations, interact with you, and provide feedback, their thoughts, want, needs, etc…you’re guilty of Blogging Blunder #10.

I’m not trying to be rude but… Failing to encourage and provide a vehicle for viewer engagement with your blog is… Well…Dumbass!

The Dave’s (Dave Wood and Dave Sharp) put it this way…
“You know that person who everyone tries to avoid at the party? The one who just talks about themselves without letting anyone else get a word in edgewise… that’s what a one-way blog is like. It suffocates conversation and engagement.”

Remember that your blog’s Readers are critical to the success of your blog. It isn’t about you, your ego, etc… It’s about your readers, what they want, need, etc. if you want to succeed with your blog.

You’ll lose your readers, your prospects, clients, and your business if you fail to recognize this, and get it through your head.

So what can you do to begin eliminating this blunder from your business? How can you eliminate blogging tips blunder #10 from your life?

Here are three things you can do to make sure your followers have a voice and be sure that you’re actively monitoring to their wants and needs.

You’re wasting your time if you don’t take advantage of the simple avenues to success at your disposal and learn to leverage them to get ahead.
So here’s three things you can begin today to eliminate this blogging blunder…

1.      Don’t close the comments on your blog. They’re essential to facilitating conversation about your blog content and learning what your target market wants, thinks, and is receptive to.

You’re flying in the dark without instrumentation to guide you without feedback from your viewers that gives you insights into what they want, need, and what they think, and feel.

You must have the ability to monitor feedback and engage with your viewers through comments on your blog.

More than just that though…you must reply to comments on your blog, and get social with your audience. Engage. It will show your readers you’re invested in them and that you care about, and are receptive to the community you are building.

2.      Don’t moderate your comments, let haters be haters if they choose to be. Showing your audience that you will welcome and approve all feedback earns their trust and shows you’re willing to be transparent and vulnerable.

Keep in mind that a willingness to accept all comments shows your metal. That you are up to the task and can handle both praise and criticism.

This level of transparency encourages honest feedback from your market and followers.

In fact you should be going out of your way to encourage questions and feedback from your viewers. Serving them better than the rest of the market is your ticket to success, and what better way is there to do that the by getting them to tell you their wants, needs, concerns, and problems?

This is exactly what you need to develop tailor made content and solutions that they will love you and be loyal to you for providing them with. Credit card in hand they will love you, support you, recommend you, tweet you, like you, share you, and help you build your business on auto-pilot.

It’s the best kind of leverage you can have working for you to build your business.

So you must ask questions, and encourage engagement and develop a social community on your blog. Adding a social element to your blog will catapult your business forward and begin constructing the success you dream about with you online business.

And of course be sure you are using a blogging platform that is easy to use and makes social engagement a breeze.

Stop the Dumbass blogging Blunders today that are sidelining your online success…Go ahead and use the link below for more blog tips and to see exactly what I’m talking about.

There are solutions available that make it completely unnecessary to stay bogged down so come on over and watch a Video Presentation of this article and get more blog tips training.

If you’d like to have a look at “The Beast” and the rest of the 17 blunders use the link Below now: See the Blog Beast

Get on the list today and then keep your eyes on your in box for more blog tips, tools, valuable training, and strategies.

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